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Missing Website Content?

Last updated on 2 years ago
Posted 3 years ago
I'm aware that due to Kiwi's workload not all the content from the previous website has yet migrated to this new one and I wondered has anyone kept track of what is missing in terms of a list? I know half the Silicon Chip magazines are missing (and maybe a few Sega ones?) but what else?
CLDaviJunior Member
Posted 3 years ago
I know that some issues of Hyper that were present on the old site are absent on this one, and I'm not talking about the ones still yet to be put on here from Issue 200 onward.
Posted 2 years ago
I think you might be correct there. It would be nice to have a list compiled.
Posted 2 years ago
I was checking the content of the Official UK PS1 Magazine and I noticed that issue 002 is missing. Is that something that was forgotten or is it something yet to be scanned?
Posted 2 years ago

mikewwm8 wrote:

@mikewwm8 - I was checking the content of the Official UK PS1 Magazine and I noticed that issue 002 is missing. Is that something that was forgotten or is it something yet to be scanned?

I did a scan of it ages ago which I contributed to Archive. I took it down though in case I got a copyright strike in all the removals last year. I'll upload it, but it might not be tip-top quality.
Posted 2 years ago
That would be wonderful. As long as it's readable I think everybody would be fine with it.
bigkevJunior Member
Posted 2 years ago
I am not sure whether this is an error or not but while browsing the site I noticed PlayStation Official Magazine (UK) with the sexy back Tomb Raider cover has listed 185 scans but when you click on the magazine title, issues 1 - 36 are only displayed.


Are the rest missing or are they yet to be scanned?
Posted 2 years ago


Are the rest missing or are they yet to be scanned?

I can confirm that they ARE there. But past issue 36 they're all digital PDFs. I assume they aren't viewable to members because they're still being sold somewhere out there? But rest assured that whenever Kiwi deems it safe/appropriate to do so, they're ready to go.
bigkevJunior Member
Posted 2 years ago
Ah okay that makes sense. Thank you for the feedback Kitsunebi Like
Posted 2 years ago
So anybody got a list of what's not been migrated?
Posted 2 years ago
I'm not sure mate. Website magazines are all on a Mediafire share, and the actual site mags are stored on mirrored NASes. It's a slow and manual process to upload each issue one by one to Mediafire, and categorize it for the website. When you look at all the Silicon Chip issues, its a hugely daunting process to do that for every issue.
If we could grant access to whole directories it would make life a little easier but as I understand it that does not work well with way the permissions on the website work.

If Kiwi is happy I can easily run a Tree on the OGM NASes if someone wants to compare whats on there vs whats missing. We would delete out the stuff that isnt ready to be made available.
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 2 years ago
Content not yet migrated is mainly older stuff which was available for years, a lot of which got put onto IA thanks to that wanker godane so I wasn't too concerned about getting it added in any sort of hurry.

Sorry, I've been busy scanning new content for the site and getting newer submissions from scanning members added. I thought that was a more useful use of my time to be honest.

The biggest magazine with missing content is CVG. Gladiator provided scans for them but they really do need a lot of editing as I would prefer to reupload cleaner versions. Additionally, I have a lot of those issues I can scan myself and thus provide even better versions and reduce potential editing time to those issues that I don't have.

I am away on holiday for the next few days, but I will look further into what is missing when I get back.
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 2 years ago
Back from a few days away. Having a look at the files on the NAS everything in #, A, B and C with the exception of CVG are up to date after a few uploads stated in the new release thread.

I am going to upload whatever issues I have of CPU (Computer Power User) magazine as well even though these weren't available in the old site as the magazine is discontinued.

I have also updated those letters in the # - F index as a large chunk of magazine titles/links were missing which may have made people think they hadn't been migrated.
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 2 years ago
All issues of DC-UK not migrated have been added to the site. All issues are now in CBR format

KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 2 years ago
Everything up to and including G looks to be online comparing the NAS to the website. Slow job working through it all so I am also uploading content like marktrade's old files I haven't even put on the old site as well to keep the ball rolling on new content.
Posted 2 years ago

Kiwi wrote:

Sorry, I've been busy scanning new content for the site and getting newer submissions from scanning members added. I thought that was a more useful use of my time to be honest.
Thanks Kiwi, much appreciated! Smile
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 2 years ago
Everything up to and including M is now available. Where known I am also fixing credits for whoever scanned magazines as well as I finally get around to cleaning up everything.
Posted 2 years ago
Great, thanks! Smile
Posted 2 years ago
Xbox World's page http://www.oldgamemags.net/infusions/downloads/downloads.php?cat_id=26 is missing issues # 1, 3, 5, 6, 29 & 117 that were available on the old site.
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 2 years ago
Those have now been migrated
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