Hi everyone,
First off, huge fan of the site and the incredible work you scanners are pouring into it. I have absolutely loved being a member and slowly rediscovering my old collection of magazines.
As I was going through the various magazines that I had fond memories of, I found myself becoming a bit sad at the lack of preservation of (especially the late 90's/early 00's) adverts for some of my favourite games. Some of these printed gems made me wince, laugh or just look confusedly at the page as I desperately searched my brain trying to remember what the hell Floating Runner for PS1 was. I have begun a little collection of the adverts on my computer for my own satisfaction but am starting to think of a way to create a website database of these. I have a few ideas but before I really try and get busy on it, I wanted to see how folks on here felt about me using these adverts which have obviously come from their scanned magazines. I want to make sure I do this all correctly and that people get the credit they deserve/want. I certainly don't want to come across like some less favourable members of other preservation sites. So basically any ideas you have would be greatly appreciated and if anyone is dead against the idea please let me know because I really don't want that. Just looking for a fun way to keep tabs on the wacky game ads of old.
3 years agoBack when I was a member of Retromags, I uploaded hundreds (thousands?) of ads, though that's just a drop in the ocean. They already have image galleries in place for advertisements, broken down by system, so you could upload whatever they don't already have there.
Ah okay, didn't realise retromags had that already. Is it mostly North America-centric? I was going to try and make it just UK mags.
3 years agoThe ad galleries aren't biased against any particular country. All are welcome (I uploaded plenty of Japanese ads from the mags I scanned.) I think most people looking for ads for a particular game would be interested in seeing ads from various countries all in the same place, rather than being forced to visit multiple sites for each country. I recommend putting (UK) in the image title to make it clear where the ads are from. If you're trying to include ads for British microcomputers they don't already have a gallery folder for, just message one of the mods and they'll create whatever category you need.
Some of those ancient 90's gaming magazines had some cracking Tomb Raider adverts. I always enjoyed the game adverts which showed short review summaries from other gaming mags. I am not sure if modern magazines still use these however.